Student Nurses Address Latinx Health Inequities

Student nurses in bilingual clinical residency address Latinx health inequities Through community-based clinical program developed by Dr. Sylvia Peña, students provided nutrition-focused bilingual preventive care to help reduce [...]

4-Day Workweek Helps Avoid Nurse Burnout

These nurse managers were burnt out. Then their hospital gave them a 4-day workweek Andrea Hsu The four-day workweek has won converts in offices, government agencies, even manufacturing. Now it's [...]

Marquette Nursing Professor Receives $5 million Grant

Nursing professor receives $5 million HRSA grant to enhance workforce supporting geriatric population Dr. Stacy Barnes, associate professor of practice and director of the Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center [...]

More Men Nurses

Slowly but steadily, more men are choosing nursing careers University of Cincinnati College of Nursing follows a national trend UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Jack Patterson hopes to become a [...]

Disaster Workshop Prepares Nursing Students

Disaster workshop prepares nursing students to take action In the world of health care, no two days are the same. Industrial accidents, natural disasters, and mass casualty incidents [...]

ANA President Mensik Most Influential

ANA President Dr. Jennifer Mensik Kennedy named to Modern Healthcare’s 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives, Class of 2024 SILVER SPRING -The American Nurses Association (ANA), the premier organization representing [...]

Benefits of Lowering Span of Control

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LOWERING SPAN OF CONTROL? ANALYSIS  |  BY G HATFIELD  |   JUNE 03, 2024 A new report shows that lowering nurse manager span of control improves clinical [...]

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