The Wisconsin Center for Nursing analyzes nursing workforce data to assure an adequate, competent and diverse workforce for the people of Wisconsin. We promote strategies to increase the number of diverse nurses who practice in Wisconsin to achieve a workforce that is representative of the state’s increasingly diverse population.
WCN embraces the 1997 AACN Position Statement which states – “Diversity includes consideration of socioeconomic class, gender, age, religious belief, sexual orientation, and physical disabilities, as well as race and ethnicity. Diversity and equality of opportunity recognize that individuals learn from exposure to and interaction with others who have backgrounds and characteristics different from their own. Promoting diversity facilitates equality of opportunity.”http://www.aacn.nche.edu
We also fully espouse the efforts of the Future of Nursing™ Campaign for Action, “supporting the importance of a diverse workforce and helping to prepare the discipline of nursing to care for a substantially increasing diverse population—ultimately to help narrow the health care disparities gap.”http://campaignforaction.org/campaign-progress/promoting-diversity
The WCN Diversity Work Plan objectives are to:
1. Assess current diversity initiatives in Wisconsin.
2. Identify strengths & limitations of current Wisconsin initiatives.
3. Identify key strategies and promising practices to reduce barriers & increase diversity in Wisconsin nurses.
4. Compile findings in report format for dissemination & to inform a statewide plan.
(see Purpose & Objectives Workplan.pdf)