Credentials: N/A
Place of Employment: N/A
Which Nursing Organizations are you current a member of? N/A
Boards currently serving on: Oakwood Lutheran Homes (Chair) and several other subsidiary boards.
1. Tell us about your journey to the boardroom. What inspired you to seek a leadership position?
I have served on many boards since the age of 30. My parents were both community leaders and I followed their guidance and wisdom in how giving back is an essential life journey.
2. What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader?
I am telling my friends in business that nurses are talented contributors to society. We often have skills not typically represented on “boards.” We are good problem solvers; our educational backgrounds are diverse and teach us holistic approaches to societal challenges. We care about human growth and success and are good listeners. These are all essential talents and skills needed by society.
3. What impact have you had serving on a board? Example?
I have learned to listen more. I have learned to reach out to those with less “voice.” I have learned about patience and respect. I think these lessons make me a better contributor and leader.
4. What advice would you give someone going into a board leadership position for the first time?
Be strong; reach out to those already in place. Take some time to understand the organizations mission and vision Be prepared before you say something and work hard on developing financial literacy, cultural competency about the organizations you are interested in.
5. Why do you feel it is important for nurses to serve on boards?
We are a meaningful part of society for bunches or reasons. We have solid problem-solving skills. We know the importance of listening and value added of kindness.
6. What do you think is the most significant barrier to nurses serving on boards? We are perceived as
We are perceived as care givers not intellectuals